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It’s appraisal season…

April could mean many different things to each of us; the first month of Spring, a lovely long weekend, the end of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, to name a few.

For many companies, April represents the time of appraisalsThe challenge here is to educate and encourage others for this not to be a tick box exercise, instead it should be viewed as a chance to reflect and in doing so, engage others.  Start by looking back and reviewing – what was good, what could be done better and how, and then planning how you’re going to achieve the new goals that you set. Perhaps you have identified a knowledge, behaviour, or skills gap within your team that you need to address, or you are looking for those all-important development opportunities to aid your team member to get to the next level.

Develop or recruit?

If you have identified team members that you feel have the potential to lead and manage tasks, teams, and projects, but need some leadership development, then a training programme is far more cost-effective than recruiting new team leaders.  With the right mentoring and training, your people can build their confidence in managing and leading to excel in those areas. 

The wider benefits of leadership development

There are other added benefits of management training that are linked to the engagement and retention of people. It also bolsters the company image so that potential employees see you as a business that invests in their people.  Research shows that development is high on the list of what job seekers are looking for in their next company and it’s also a significant element for retaining talent in the business.

It’s then just a case of identifying and working with a training provider who understands what you are trying to achieve and can guide you to the best possible outcome. 

Whichever way you decide is best for you to plug the skills and knowledge gap, our expert trainers and services can help.  

Here’s a brief summary of what courses are available, dependent on what you have discovered about your team’s needs: 

There really is something to benefit everyone, in 2024, get the right people by your side and working with you – contact the KCA People team to learn more


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