
At KCA People we have a wide range of topics available as workshops.

These have been designed to give your managers the skills they need to lead and develop high-performing teams, as well as for candidates who want to secure their next role with confidence. Here you can find information about our on-demand workshops that we can tailor and deliver for your business, as well as details of scheduled events that are available for booking individual places. The workshops can be held online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams or face-to-face at your location, and please note a minimum of four delegates is required for the benefit of the delegates’ interactivity. The Clarity 7 workshops can be taken individually or as a programme.  Delegates completing the whole programme will receive accreditation.

Personal Effectiveness Course

Clarity 7 – THE Management Training Programme

What Sort Of People Manager Are You?

Setting The HR Strategy For Successful People Management…

Create High Performance In Your Team…

Performance Management …

Essential Legislation For People Managers …

Recruitment Skills And Techniques…

Developing A Coaching Style…

Equality, Diversity And Inclusion

Managing Mental Health In The Workplace

Onboarding New Colleagues

Developing Effective Hybrid Working Policy And Practices

Understanding Your Team’s Strengths

Influencing, Persuading and Assertiveness Skills

The Art Of Recruiting Well

Building A Positive Business Culture

Emotional Intelligence Training for Business Leaders

Performance Management Training

Motivation, Delegation And Engagement

Improving Poor Performance

Behavioural Profiling And Working From Home Style

Creating Awareness Of Wellbeing In Your Team

Developing your EVP – Attracting And Retaining Talent In A Difficult Marketplace

Remote Management Skills For People Managers

Sexual Harassment Prevention… Support Package for SMEs

Personal Effectiveness Course

Clarity 7 – THE Management Training Programme

What Sort Of People Manager Are You?

Setting The HR Strategy For Successful People Management…

Create High Performance In Your Team…

Performance Management …

Essential Legislation For People Managers …

Recruitment Skills And Techniques…

Register your interest

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Employment Workshops

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