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Important Furlough Dates for the CJRS

The government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is fast evolving. This article summarises some key dates that employers need to bear in mind if they wish to make a claim. 

10th June 

If you intend to furlough an employee who hasn’t been furloughed before, you will need to agree that with them and start their period of furlough on or before 10th J‌un‌e – this is the last day on which someone who has never been furloughed before can start a period of furlough and qualify for the scheme – this ensures the minimum three-week period is complete by 30th J‌un‌e.

30th June

The scheme will close to anyone who hasn’t been furloughed for 3 weeks by 30th June, so you will only be able to claim for employees after that if they have been furloughed for a full three-week period at any time before the end of June.

1st July

You’ll have the flexibility to bring previously furloughed employees back to work part-time, you can decide the hours and shift patterns they work to suit the needs of your business – you’ll pay their wages for the time they’re in work and can apply for a scheme grant to cover any of their normal hours they are still furloughed for.

Also, for periods starting on or after the 1st J‌ul‌y, the maximum number of employees you can claim for in any period cannot be higher than the maximum number you have claimed for in a previous period. For example, if your highest single claim for periods up to 30 J‌un‌e was for 100 people, you can’t claim for more than this number in later periods. 

31st July

You will then have until 31st J‌ul‌y to make a claim for any periods of furlough up until 30th 

J‌un‌e – this applies to both employees furloughed for the first time and those you have previously furloughed and claimed for.

From 1st Au‌gu‌st

You will need to contribute towards the wage costs of your furloughed employees until the scheme ends on 31st Oc‌to‌be‌r.

31st October

The CJRS ends.

Our extremely comprehensive Coronavirus Toolkit, available through our online HR portal, will allow you to create and manage an efficient record of ‘furloughed staff’, as well as provide very detailed documentation that you will find essential during the Coronavirus crisis.

The toolkit costs £75, plus VAT and our clients are telling us it is the most useful resource they have found so far. It includes:

  1. Detailed briefing notes for managers
  2. Fully compliant employee letter templates for flexible working hours and furloughed workers
  3. Digital audit trail so you can claim FULLY as part of the Furlough Leave Scheme
  4. Homeworking Policy
  5. Suspension on health and safety due to Coronavirus
  6. Easy-to-follow video tutorials
  7. 15 mins expert advice (via phone) to help you navigate your way through what you need to do right now

Request the toolkit here >>


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