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How to effectively work with a professional recruiter…

If you’re struggling to find the right person for your vacancy, partnering with a professional recruiter can be an effective solution. However, it’s important to approach the process in the right way to ensure a successful outcome.

Many businesses are often tempted to work with a variety of recruitment companies to increase their chances of finding the right candidate – or so they think. While this can sometimes work, it can also result in candidates being contacted by multiple recruiters about the same vacancy, leading to frustration and confusion which can be damaging to your employer’s brand. It’s much better to build a relationship with one professional recruitment consultancy for the long term, allowing them to get to know you, and your business and so streamline the recruitment process into a much more straightforward one for all concerned.

Working exclusively with one recruiter can offer greater security and confidence for both parties and create a better perception of your business among potential candidates.

It’s also important to pay the market rate for professional recruitment services. While it may seem like an added expense, the right recruiter can save you time and money in the long run by finding the best candidate for your role…and where the ‘fit’ works well for you both.

Finally, be sure to give your recruiter the time they need to do their job effectively. Rushing the recruitment process can mean missing out on top candidates and ultimately making a poor hiring decision which can cost your business a great deal.

At Kirsty Craig Associates, we have over 35 years of experience in the recruitment industry and offer a flexible and competitive service. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out how we can help you find your next employee.


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