Every company strategy in 2024 should include developing their people managers.
Why? Well, lots of reasons actually.
- The pressure on salary budgets through increases due to the cost of living means that a lot of companies won’t have the available budget to recruit new employees and therefore “growing your own” becomes a very attractive proposition.
- When promoting technically strong people, don’t assume that they can just assimilate the complex skill set of a good people manager, its so much more than process. Invest for success!
- Developing people is a really positive step in employee retention. The passive candidate is king at the moment, so it’s very likely that your best (insert skill set), is being approached by other employers. Offering development opportunities is key to a good employee value proposition which both retains and attracts people to the business.
- A poor manager is the top reason that people leave jobs. A manager is responsible for 80% of their people’s engagement. Poor engagement leads to accepting contacts from those offering jobs. (refer to 3!)
- Good people management leads to engaged, happy and productive people – who doesn’t want that?
Development can take lots of forms; group masterclasses to set the learning, mentoring to learn from an experienced person and coaching to enable critical thinking, which one is required is usually dependent on a number of factors including where the person is in their journey. The good news is that KCA people offer all three. We have a CPD accredited Clarity7 masterclass programme starting in April 2024, click on the link for more details and to hear what our previous delegates have said.